
HMEE Working In Afghanistan

HMEE Working In Afghanistan

With the globalization of the military theatre, the JCB HMEE has been purposefully designed to meet a variety of transportation requirements, whether by land, sea or air. This first round of HMEE's were loaded onto military C-5 aircraft at US Airforce base in South Carolina and transported to Bagram, Afghanistan. What's more, the HMEE has equal weight distribution on all axels and all wheels ride low enabling transport by an even smaller C-130, the turboprop military transport aircraft. Never before has a military construction vehicle meet on road regulations and safety standards, allowing the HMEE to travel on civilian roads without the need for a trailer. This unit also meets global rail specifications and has roll-on, roll-off capabilities allowing the HMEE to load itself on and off of a ship. This unmatched transportability means no job site is inaccessible to the JCB HMEE.

The all-terrain HMEE is armor-plated for crew protection, has significant towing capacity and most importantly and can maintain "convoy speed". The HMEE has a life span of 25 years, more than double that of a civilian construction machine, and is capable of achieving more than 60 mph, again more than twice the typical 25 mph top speed of a conventional backhoe. This capability enables the HMEE to keep up with fast-moving military units and provide real-time combat engineering support. The HMEE provides strategic capabilities increasing: mobility -- opening up roads; counter-mobility -- creating obstacles for the enemy; and, survivability -- providing water and supplies, building berms and laying electrical lines.

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With the globalization of the military theatre, the JCB HMEE has been purposefully designed to meet a variety of transportation requirements, whether by land, sea or air. This first round of HMEE's were loaded onto military C-5 aircraft at US Airforce base in South Carolina and transported to Bagram, Afghanistan. What's more, the HMEE has equal weight distribution on all axels and all wheels ride low enabling transport by an even smaller C-130, the turboprop military transport aircraft. Never before has a military construction vehicle meet on road regulations and safety standards, allowing the HMEE to travel on civilian roads without the need for a trailer. This unit also meets global rail specifications and has roll-on, roll-off capabilities allowing the HMEE to load itself on and off of a ship. This unmatched transportability means no job site is inaccessible to the JCB HMEE.

The all-terrain HMEE is armor-plated for crew protection, has significant towing capacity and most importantly and can maintain "convoy speed". The HMEE has a life span of 25 years, more than double that of a civilian construction machine, and is capable of achieving more than 60 mph, again more than twice the typical 25 mph top speed of a conventional backhoe. This capability enables the HMEE to keep up with fast-moving military units and provide real-time combat engineering support. The HMEE provides strategic capabilities increasing: mobility -- opening up roads; counter-mobility -- creating obstacles for the enemy; and, survivability -- providing water and supplies, building berms and laying electrical lines.

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